Source code for phaseshifts.atorb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Author: Liam Deacon                                                        #
#                                                                            #
# Contact:                                         #
#                                                                            #
# Copyright: Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Liam Deacon                             #
#                                                                            #
# License: MIT License                                                       #
#                                                                            #
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a    #
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), #
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation  #
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,   #
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#                                                                            #
# DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                  #
#                                                                            #

Provides convenience functions for generating input and calculating
atomic charge densities for use with the Barbieri/Van Hove phase
shift calculation package.


:Requires: f2py (for libphsh fortran wrapper generation)

.. note::
   To generate libphsh fortran wrappers (libphsh.pyd) for your platform
   then use 'python' in the lib directory of this package to
   install into your python distribution. Alternatively, use::

     f2py -c -m libphsh libphsh.f

   Windows users may have to add appropriate compiler switches, e.g. ::

    # 32-bit
    f2py -c -m libphsh --fcompiler=gfortran --compiler=mingw-32 libphsh.f

    # 64-bit
    f2py -c -m libphsh --fcompiler=gfortran --compiler=mingw-64 libphsh.f


import os
from collections import OrderedDict

# TODO: Clean this up when the project officially drops support for Python 2.7
    from typing import Optional  # noqa: F401
    from typing_extensions import Literal

    ElementBackendType = Literal["mendeleev", "elementy", "periodictable"]
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    # we are likely on an old version of python
    ElementBackendType = str  # type: ignore

    import periodictable  # type: ignore [import-untyped]
except ImportError:
    periodictable = None

    import elementy  # type: ignore [import-not-found]
except ImportError:
    elementy = None

    import mendeleev  # type: ignore [import-not-found]
except ImportError:
    mendeleev = None  # Need to install mendeleev

from phaseshifts import elements

elements_dict = OrderedDict(
        ("H", "Hydrogen"),
        ("He", "Helium"),
        ("Li", "Lithium"),
        ("Be", "Beryllium"),
        ("B", "Boron"),
        ("C", "Carbon"),
        ("N", "Nitrogen"),
        ("O", "Oxygen"),
        ("F", "Fluorine"),
        ("Ne", "Neon"),
        ("Na", "Sodium"),
        ("Mg", "Magnesium"),
        ("Al", "Aluminium"),
        ("Si", "Silicon"),
        ("P", "Phosphorus"),
        ("S", "Sulfur"),
        ("Cl", "Chlorine"),
        ("Ar", "Argon"),
        ("K", "Potassium"),
        ("Ca", "Calcium"),
        ("Sc", "Scandium"),
        ("Ti", "Titanium"),
        ("V", "Vanadium"),
        ("Cr", "Chromium"),
        ("Mn", "Manganese"),
        ("Fe", "Iron"),
        ("Co", "Cobalt"),
        ("Ni", "Nickel"),
        ("Cu", "Copper"),
        ("Zn", "Zinc"),
        ("Ga", "Gallium"),
        ("Ge", "Germanium"),
        ("As", "Arsenic"),
        ("Se", "Selenium"),
        ("Br", "Bromine"),
        ("Kr", "Krypton"),
        ("Rb", "Rubidium"),
        ("Sr", "Strontium"),
        ("Y", "Yttrium"),
        ("Zr", "Zirconium"),
        ("Nb", "Niobium"),
        ("Mo", "Molybdenum"),
        ("Tc", "Technetium"),
        ("Ru", "Ruthenium"),
        ("Rh", "Rhodium"),
        ("Pd", "Palladium"),
        ("Ag", "Silver"),
        ("Cd", "Cadmium"),
        ("In", "Indium"),
        ("Sn", "Tin"),
        ("Sb", "Antimony"),
        ("Te", "Tellurium"),
        ("I", "Iodine"),
        ("Xe", "Xenon"),
        ("Cs", "Cesium"),
        ("Ba", "Barium"),
        ("La", "Lanthanum"),
        ("Ce", "Cerium"),
        ("Pr", "Praseodymium"),
        ("Nd", "Neodymium"),
        ("Pm", "Promethium"),
        ("Sm", "Samarium"),
        ("Eu", "Europium"),
        ("Gd", "Gadolinium"),
        ("Tb", "Terbium"),
        ("Dy", "Dysprosium"),
        ("Ho", "Holmium"),
        ("Er", "Erbium"),
        ("Tm", "Thulium"),
        ("Yb", "Ytterbium"),
        ("Lu", "Lutetium"),
        ("Hf", "Hafnium"),
        ("Ta", "Tantalum"),
        ("W", "Tungsten"),
        ("Re", "Rhenium"),
        ("Os", "Osmium"),
        ("Ir", "Iridium"),
        ("Pt", "Platinum"),
        ("Au", "Gold"),
        ("Hg", "Mercury"),
        ("Tl", "Thallium"),
        ("Pb", "Lead"),
        ("Bi", "Bismuth"),
        ("Po", "Polonium"),
        ("At", "Astatine"),
        ("Rn", "Radon"),
        ("Fr", "Francium"),
        ("Ra", "Radium"),
        ("Ac", "Actinium"),
        ("Th", "Thorium"),
        ("Pa", "Protactinium"),
        ("U", "Uranium"),
        ("Np", "Neptunium"),
        ("Pu", "Plutonium"),
        ("Am", "Americium"),
        ("Cm", "Curium"),
        ("Bk", "Berkelium"),
        ("Cf", "Californium"),
        ("Es", "Einsteinium"),
        ("Fm", "Fermium"),
        ("Md", "Mendelevium"),
        ("No", "Nobelium"),
        ("Lr", "Lawrencium"),
        ("Rf", "Rutherfordium"),
        ("Db", "Dubnium"),
        ("Sg", "Seaborgium"),
        ("Bh", "Bohrium"),
        ("Hs", "Hassium"),
        ("Mt", "Meitnerium"),
        ("Ds", "Darmstadtium"),
        ("Rg", "Roentgenium"),
        ("Cn", "Copernicium"),
        ("Uut", "Ununtrium"),
        ("Fl", "Flerovium"),
        ("Uup", "Ununpentium"),
        ("Lv", "Livermorium"),
        ("Uus", "Ununseptium"),
        ("Uuo", "Ununoctium"),

[docs] def get_element( element, backend=None ): # type: (str, Optional[ElementBackendType]) -> object """Obtain an element object for querying information using `backend`.""" ele_obj = elements.ELEMENTS.get(element) if mendeleev and not ele_obj and backend in ("mandeleev", None): elements_data = mendeleev.get_all_elements() elements_data = {e.protons: e for e in elements_data} elements_data.update({e.symbol: e for e in elements_data}) elements_data.update({ e for e in elements_data}) ele_obj = elements_data.get(element) if elementy and not ele_obj and backend in ("elementy", None): periodic_table = elementy.PeriodicTable() elements_data = {e.protons: e for e in periodic_table.elements} elements_data.update({e.symbol: e for e in periodic_table.elements}) elements_data.update({ e for e in periodic_table.elements}) ele_obj = elements_data.get(element) if periodictable and not ele_obj and backend in ("periodtable", None): ele_obj = getattr(periodictable, element, None) or getattr( periodictable, str(element).lower() ) if ele_obj is None: raise LookupError("Unable to match element {}".format(element)) return ele_obj
[docs] def get_electron_config(element_obj): """Obtain the electronic orbital configuration for the given `element_obj`.""" electron_config = None if hasattr(element_obj, "orbitals"): electron_config = " ".join( ["{orbital}{electrons}".format(**x) for x in element_obj.orbitals] ) else: electron_config = getattr(element_obj, "eleconfig", None) or getattr( element_obj, "econf", None ) return electron_config
[docs] class Atorb(object): r""" Description ----------- A python wrapper for the `atorb` program by Eric Shirley for use in calculating atomic scattering for different elements Notes ----- Original author: Eric Shirley There are nr grid points, and distances are in Bohr radii :math:`a_0 \simeq 0.539 \mathrm{\AA}` :math:`r(i) = r_{min} \cdot (r_{max} / r_{min})^{(i/n_r)}`, :math:`i=1,2,3,...n_r-1,n_r` The orbitals are stored in phe(), first index goes :math:`1...n_r`, the second index is the orbital index (:math:`i...n_{el}`) Look at the atomic files after printing this out to see everything... Suffice it to say, that the charge density at radius :math:`r(i)` in units of electrons per cubic Bohr radius is given by: :math:`\sum_{j-1}^{n_el}{occ(j) \cdot phe(i,j)^2 / (4.0\,\pi\,{r(i)^2)}}` Think of the phe functions as plotting the radial wave-functions as a function of radius on a logarithmic mesh... The Dirac equation is solved for the orbitals, whereas their density is treated by setting :math:`phe(i,j)` to Dirac's :math:`\sqrt{F(i,j)^2 + G(i,j)^2}` times the sign of :math:`G(i,j)`... So we are doing Dirac-Fock, except that we are not treating exchange exactly, in terms of working with major and minor components of the orbitals, and the phe's give the CORRECT CHARGE DENSITY... The above approximation ought to be very small for valence states, so you need not worry about it... The Breit interaction has been neglected should not have a huge effect on the charge density you are concerned with... """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor """ self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_quantum_info(shell): # (str) -> Tuple[int|float|List[int|float], ...] r""" Description ----------- Get a tuple of quantum information for a given orbital 's', 'p', 'd' or 'f' from a given subshell string. Returns ------- tuple : (int, int, list[float, float], list[float, float]) (n, l, j=[l-s, l+s], occ=[:math:`n^-_r`, :math:`n^+_r`]) Notes ----- - *n* is the principle quantum number (:math:`n > 0`). - *l* is the azimuthal quantum number (:math:`0 \leq l \leq n-1`). - *s* is the spin quantum number (:math:`s \pm \frac{1}{2}`). - *j* is the total angular momentum quantum numbers for both :math:`l-s` or :math:`l+s`, respectively. - :math:`n_r` is the occupancy of the spin-split :math:`l-s` and :math:`l+s` levels, respectively. Example ------- >>> Atorb.get_quantum_info('3d6') (3, 2, [1.5, 2.5], [2.4, 3.6]) """ subshell = "".join([s for s in shell if s.isalpha()]) try: (n, nelectrons) = [ t(s) for t, s in zip((int, int), shell.replace(subshell, " ").split()) ] except ValueError: # assume 1 electron in shell n = int(shell.replace(subshell, " ").split()[0]) nelectrons = 1 s = 0.5 shell_info = None if subshell == "s": l = 0 occ = [nelectrons / 1.0] j = [l + s] shell_info = (n, l, j, occ) elif subshell == "p": # 3 subshells l = 1 max_occ = 6 occ = [] for j in [l - s, l + s]: occ.append(((2.0 * j) + 1) * nelectrons / max_occ) shell_info = (n, l, [l - s, l + s], occ) elif subshell == "d": # 5 subshells l = 2 max_occ = 10 occ = [] for j in [l - s, l + s]: occ.append(((2.0 * j) + 1) * nelectrons / max_occ) shell_info = (n, l, [l - s, l + s], occ) elif subshell == "f": # 7 subshells! l = 3 max_occ = 14 occ = [] for j in [l - s, l + s]: occ.append(((2.0 * j) + 1) * nelectrons / max_occ) shell_info = (n, l, [l - s, l + s], occ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Exotic sub-shells beyond f-block have not been implemented" ) return shell_info
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_core_config(electron_config): """ Description ----------- Replace nobel gas core with equivalent electronic shell configuration Parameters ---------- electron_config : str String containing the electronic configuration of the given element. Returns ------- str : A substituted string where the nobel gas core has been replaced. Examples -------- >>> Atorb.replace_core_config('[Ar] 4s2') '1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2' >>> Atorb.replace_core_config('[Xe] 6s2 5d1') '1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 5d1' """ cores = { "[He]": "1s2", "[Ne]": "1s2 2s2 2p6", "[Ar]": "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6", "[Kr]": "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6", "[Xe]": "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6", "[Rn]": "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6" "4f14 5d10 6s2 6p6", } core = electron_config.split()[0] if core in cores: config = electron_config.replace(core, cores.get(core)) else: config = electron_config return config
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_input(element, **kwargs): """ Description ----------- Generate atorb input file from <element> and optional **kwargs arguments. Returns filename of input file once generated. Parameters ---------- element : int or str Either the atomic number, symbol or name for a given element output : str, optional File string for atomic orbital output (default: 'at_<symbol>.i') ngrid : int, optional Number of points in radial grid (default: 1000) rel : bool, optional Specify whether to consider relativistic effects filename : str, optional Name for generated input file (default: 'atorb') header : str, optional Comment at beginning of input file method : str, optional Exchange correlation method using either 0.0=Hartree-Fock, 1.0=LDA, -alpha = xalpha (default: 0.0) relic : float, optional Relic value for calculation (default: 0) mixing_SCF : float, optional Self consisting field value (default: 0.5) tolerance : float, optional Eigenvalue tolerance (default: 0.0005) ech : float, optional (default: 100) Example ------- >>> Atorb.gen_input('H',rel=False,filename="atorb.txt",output='at_H.i') >>> with open('atorb_H.txt', 'r') as f: print("".join(f.readlines()) C********************************************************************* C atorb input file: atorb_H.txt. C********************************************************************* i 1 1000 ! Z NR (number of points in radial grid) d 0 ! 1=rel, 0=n.r. x 0.d0 ! 0.d0=HF, 1.d0=LDA, -alfa = xalfa... a 0 1 0.5 0.0005 100 ! relic,levels,mixing SCF, eigen. tol,for ech 1 0 0 -0.5 1 1.0 ! n, l, l, -j, <1>, occupation w at_H.i q """ ele = get_element(element, backend=None) Z = ele.protons # get full electronic configuration electron_config = get_electron_config(ele) config = Atorb.replace_core_config(electron_config) # get quantum numbers & occupancy for each electronic orbital in atom electrons = [] nlevels = 0 for shell in config.split(): (n, l, J, occ) = Atorb.get_quantum_info(shell) for i, j in enumerate(J): electrons.append((n, l, l, -j, 1, occ[i])) nlevels += 1 # test kwargs and generate output arguments if "output" in kwargs: output = kwargs.get("output") else: output = "at_{0}.i".format(ele.symbol) if "ngrid" in kwargs: NR = kwargs.get("ngrid") else: NR = 1000 # default grid resolution if "rel" in kwargs: rel = int(kwargs.get("rel")) else: rel = 1 # default is relativistic if "filename" in kwargs: filename = kwargs.get("filename") else: filename = "atorb_{0}.txt".format(ele.symbol) if "header" in kwargs: header = kwargs.value("header") else: header = " atorb input file: {0}.".format(os.path.basename(filename)) if "method" in kwargs: method = str(kwargs.value("method")) methods_dict = {"HF": "0.d0", "LDA": "1.d0", "xalpha": "-alpha"} if method in methods_dict: method = methods_dict.get("method") else: method = "0.d0" else: method = "0.d0" if "relic" in kwargs: relic = float(kwargs.get("relic")) else: relic = 0 if "mixing_SCF" in kwargs: mixing_SCF = float(kwargs.get("mixing_SCF")) else: mixing_SCF = 0.5 if "tolerance" in kwargs: eigen_tol = float(kwargs.get("tolerance")) else: eigen_tol = 0.0005 if "ech" in kwargs: ech = int(kwargs.get("ech")) else: ech = 100 # produce output file with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("C".ljust(70, "*") + "\n") f.write("C" + str(header) + "\n") f.write("C".ljust(70, "*") + "\n") f.write("i\n") f.write( "{0} {1}".format(Z, NR).ljust(30, " ") + "! Z NR (number of points in radial grid)\n" ) f.write("d\n") f.write("{0}".format(rel).ljust(30) + "! 1=rel, 0=n.r.\n") f.write("x\n") f.write( "{0}".format(method).ljust(30) + "! 0.d0=HF, 1.d0=LDA, -alfa = xalfa...\n" ) f.write("a\n") f.write( "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format( relic, nlevels, mixing_SCF, eigen_tol, ech ).ljust(30) + "! relic,levels,mixing SCF, eigen. tol,for ech.\n" ) for i in range(0, nlevels): f.write( "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}".format(*electrons[i]).ljust(30) + "! n, l, l, -j, <1>, occupation\n" ) f.write("w\n") f.write("{0}\n".format(output)) f.write("q\n") return filename # return output filename for further use
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_Q_density(**kwargs): """ Description ----------- Calculate the radial charge density of a given element or atorb input file. Usage ----- Atorb.calculate_Q_density(**kwargs) Parameters ---------- kwargs may be any of the following. element : int or str, optional Generate element atorb input file on the fly. Additional kwargs may be used to govern the structure of the input file - please use ``help(phaseshifts.Atorb.gen_input)`` for more information. input : str, optional Specify atorb input file otherwise will use the class instance value. output_dir : str, optional Specify the output directory for the `at_*.i` file generated, otherwise the default current working directory is used. Returns ------- str : filename Examples -------- >>> Atorb.calculate_Q_density(input='atorb_C.txt') 18.008635 -33.678535 4.451786 -36.654271 1.569616 -37.283660 0.424129 -37.355634 0.116221 -37.359816 0.047172 -37.360317 0.021939 -37.360435 0.010555 -37.360464 0.005112 -37.360471 0.002486 -37.360473 0.001213 -37.360473 0.000593 -37.360473 0.000290 -37.360474 N L M J S OCC. 1 0 0 -1/2 1 2.0000 -11.493862 2 0 0 -1/2 1 2.0000 -0.788618 2 1 1 -1/2 1 0.6667 -0.133536 2 1 1 -3/2 1 1.3333 -0.133311 TOTAL ENERGY = -37.360474 -1016.638262 >>> Atorb.calculate_Q_density(element='H') 0.500007 -0.343752 0.152392 -0.354939 0.065889 -0.357254 0.028751 -0.357644 0.012732 -0.357703 0.005743 -0.357711 0.002641 -0.357712 0.001236 -0.357713 0.000587 -0.357713 0.000282 -0.357713 N L M J S OCC. 1 0 0 -1/2 1 1.0000 -0.229756 TOTAL ENERGY = -0.357713 -9.733932 """ inp = None if "input" in kwargs: inp = os.path.abspath(kwargs.pop("input")) if "element" in kwargs: inp = os.path.abspath( Atorb.gen_input(element=kwargs.pop("element"), **kwargs) ) current_dir = os.path.curdir if "output_dir" in kwargs: output_dir = kwargs.pop("output_dir") if os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.chdir(output_dir) else: try: os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(output_dir) except (OSError, IOError) as err: raise IOError( "Unable to create output directory due to {!r}".format(err) ) # noqa if not inp: raise ValueError("Input file not specified") # do lazy loading due to documentation not needing compiled code import phaseshifts.lib.libphsh # noqa phaseshifts.lib.libphsh.hartfock( inp ) # calculates atomic orbital charge densities for atom # get output filename lines = [] output_filename = "atorb" try: with open(inp, "r") as f: lines = [line for line in f] except IOError: raise IOError lines = [ line.replace("\n", "") .replace("\r", "") .lstrip(" ") .split("!")[0] .split("#")[0] .rstrip(" ") for line in lines ] for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].startswith("w"): output_filename = lines[i + 1] break os.chdir(current_dir) # return to original directory return ( os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) if output_dir is not None else output_filename )